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Python每日一谈|No.35.实例.15.GWO(灰狼优化算法,Grey wolf optimization)

发布日期:2024-04-22 14:02浏览次数:68




e。。。。话说启发式算法,我觉得我也能搞个Start War算法hhh。




在这里f1, …, fN 为目标(objectives),你也可以认为求解的函数

hjgk 为平等与不平等约束(equality and inequality constraints)

常见的算法有: Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Genetic Algorithms (GA)等等

灰狼优化算法(GWO)是一种基于群体的元启发式算法,模拟自然界中狼群的领导阶层和狩猎机制,由Seyedali Mirjalili等人于2014年提出。


  • 灰狼被认为是顶级猎食者,位于食物链的顶端
  • 灰狼常常群居,每个种群平均存在5-12个个体
  • 群体中的所有个体都有非常严格的社会支配等级


  1. α狼被认为是狼群中的王,狼群成员应遵守其命令。
  2. β狼是从属狼,帮助α进行决策,被认为是成为α的最佳候选者。
  3. δ狼必须服从α和β,但它们支配着ω。ω有不同的种类的,如侦察兵、哨兵、长老、猎人、看护人等。
  4. ω狼是狼群中最不重要的个体,最后只能吃东西,而不能进行决策。
  • 最优解决方案 Alpha wolf (α)
  • 次优解决方案 Beta wolf (β)
  • 第三优解决方案 Delta wolf (δ)
  • 其余候选解决方案 Omega wolves (ω)

t 代表当前的迭代,$$\\vec{A}$$ ,$$\\vec{C}$$ 代表系数向量,$$\\vec{Xp}$$ 代表猎物的位置向量,$$\\vec{X}$$代表狩猎狼

在迭代过程中, $$\\vec{a}$$ 线性的从2减少为0,$$\\vec{r_1}$$ , $$\\vec{r_2}$$ 则是从[0, 1]中随机选择的向量

在每次迭代过程中,ω狼会根据α, β, δ狼来更新其位置,因为α, β, δ狼要更加清楚猎物的潜在位置


我们减少$$\\vec{a}\\cdot \\vec{A}$$ 的值,这个值子迭代过程值一直位于$$[-2a, 2a]$$,$$a$$会在迭代过程中从2减少到0

$$|A|<1$$ 会强迫狼群袭击猎物

$$|A|>1$$ 强迫狩猎狼群离开猎物,并寻找一个更合适的猎物

GWO中另一个支持探索的组件是$$C$$。它是$$[0,2]$$之间的随机值。$$C> 1$$重视攻击,而$$C<1$$则不重视攻击。

  • Step1: 随机起始灰狼种群中的个体数$$ Xi(i=1,2,…,n)$$
  • Step2: 赋予a的初始值为2,赋予A以及C值,根据等式3
  • Step3:


  • $$Xα$$=拥有最优值的个体
  • $$Xβ$$=拥有第二优值的个体
  • $$Xδ$$=拥有第三优值的个体
  • Step4:

对于 t=1 直到 最大迭代数(t=max):

  • 更新ω狼的位置,依据等式4, 5 and 6
  • 更新 a, A, C,依据等式3
  • $$a=2(1-t/T)$$
  • 计算所有个体的适应度
  • 更新 $$Xα, Xβ, Xδ$$.
  • ? 结束循环
  • Step5: 返回$$ Xα$$

$$Z=np.sin(X 2) + np.cos(Y2)$$

范围 : $$X[-3,3],Y[-3,3]$$

import  numpy as np
import random
import copy

def get_fitness(ori_w_p):
    # 设置适应度函数
#    return np.absolute(np.sin(ori_w_p[0])*np.cos(ori_w_p[1]) + np.sin((ori_w_p[0]-10)/10)*2 + np.sin((ori_w_p[1]-10)/10))*2
    return np.sin(ori_w_p[0] **2) + np.cos(ori_w_p[1]**2)

def initial_group(num):
    # 随机起始灰狼种群,根据输入的num进行设置,并输出其(x,y,z)值
    wolves_dict = {}
    ori_w_range_x = np.arange(-3, 3, 0.1)
    ori_w_range_y = np.arange(-3, 3,0.1)
    for i in range(num):
        ori_w_p_x = random.choice(ori_w_range_x)
        ori_w_p_y = random.choice(ori_w_range_y)
        ori_w_p = [ori_w_p_x,ori_w_p_x]
        #wolves_dict['wolf_'+str(i)]=[ori_w_p[0],ori_w_p[1], get_fitness(ori_w_p)]
        wolves_dict[i] = {'x':ori_w_p_x,'y':ori_w_p_y,'z':get_fitness(ori_w_p)}

    return wolves_dict

import pandas as pd

def sort_wolves(wolves_dict):
    # 将灰狼种群分类,分为a,b,c,d四个等级
    wolves = pd.DataFrame(wolves_dict)
    wolves = wolves.T
#    wolves.columns=['x','y','z']
    wolves.sort_values(by='z', ascending=False, inplace =True)
    wolves.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    wolves_level = []
    wolves_id = [ 'wolf_'+str(i) for i in range(len(wolves_level))]
    wolves['level'] = wolves_level
    wolves['id'] = wolves_id
    wolves_T = wolves.T
    return wolves_T.to_dict()

def get_iteration_param(t_n,total_nums):
    v_r1 = random.random()
    v_r2 = random.random()
    v_c = 2 * v_r2
    prey_range_x = np.arange(-30, 15, 0.1)
    prey_range_y = np.arange(-30, 15, 0.1)
    v_xp = np.array([random.choice(prey_range_x),random.choice(prey_range_y)])
    v_D = np.absolute(v_c * v_xp - v_xp)
    v_a = 2 - t_n/total_nums * 2
    v_A = 2 * v_a * v_r1 - v_a
    return v_A,v_D

def get_iteration_param_2(t_n,total_nums,wolve_a):
    # 拿到迭代参数
    v_r1 = random.random()
    v_r2 = random.random()
    v_c = 2 * v_r2
    v_xp = np.array([wolve_a['x'],wolve_a['y']])
    v_D = np.absolute(v_c * v_xp - v_xp)
    v_a = 2 - t_n/total_nums * 2
    v_A = 2 * v_a * v_r1 - v_a
    return v_A,v_D

def omega_find_leader(wolves_group):
    # 发现omega狼周围的领导者
    # 离其最近的三匹高级狼
    # a等级一匹
    # b等级一匹,距离最短的
    # c等级一匹,距离最短的
    a_w = []
    b_w = []
    c_w = []
    d_w = []

    for i in wolves_group.keys():
        if wolves_group[i]['level'] == 'a':
        elif wolves_group[i]['level'] == 'b':
        elif wolves_group[i]['level'] == 'c':
        elif wolves_group[i]['level'] == 'd':

    for i in d_w:
        i['leader_group'] = [a_w[0]['id']]
    return d_w

def find_shortest_leader(worker,leaders):
    leader_id = []
    leader_dist = []
    for l in leaders:
        dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array([l['x'],l['y']])- np.array([worker['x'],worker['y']]))
        #dist=np.sqrt(sum(np.power((np.array(l['x'],l['y'])- np.array(worker['x'],worker['y'])), 2)))
    return leader_id[leader_dist.index(min(leader_dist))]

def iteration(wolves_group,t_n,total_nums,wolve_a):
    # 根据文本中的公式进行迭代
    wolves_group_cg = wolves_group
    for i in wolves_group_cg:
        ind = wolves_group_cg[i]
        if ind['level'] == 'a':
            x_p = np.array([ind['x'],ind['y']])
            v_A,v_D = get_iteration_param_2(t_n,total_nums,wolve_a)
            v_x = x_p - (v_A * v_D)
            ind['x'] = v_x[0]
            ind['y'] = v_x[1]
            ind['z'] = get_fitness([v_x[0],v_x[1]])
        elif ind['level'] == 'b':
            x_p = np.array([ind['x'],ind['y']])
            v_A,v_D = get_iteration_param_2(t_n,total_nums,wolve_a)
            v_x = x_p - (v_A * v_D)
            ind['x'] = v_x[0]
            ind['y'] = v_x[1]
            ind['z'] = get_fitness([v_x[0],v_x[1]])
        elif ind['level'] == 'c':
            x_p = np.array([ind['x'],ind['y']])
            v_A,v_D = get_iteration_param_2(t_n,total_nums,wolve_a)
            v_x = x_p - v_A * v_D
            ind['x'] = v_x[0]
            ind['y'] = v_x[1]
            ind['z'] = get_fitness([v_x[0],v_x[1]])
        elif ind['level'] == 'd':
            del ind

    wolves_group_cg_t = copy.deepcopy(wolves_group_cg)
    count = len(wolves_group_cg_t)
    wolves_list = [i for i in wolves_group_cg_t]
    for i in wolves_list:
        if wolves_group_cg_t[i]['level'] == 'd':
            del wolves_group_cg_t[i]

    count = len(wolves_group_cg_t)

    omega_leaders = omega_find_leader(wolves_group)
    omega_leaders_cg = get_omega_next(omega_leaders,wolves_group_cg_t)
#    print('omega_leaders_cg',omega_leaders_cg)
    for i in range(len(omega_leaders_cg)):
        wolves_group_cg_t[ i + count + 1] = omega_leaders_cg[i]

    return wolves_group_cg_t

def get_omega_next(omega_leaders,wolves_group_cg):
    # 拿到omega狼的下一步位置
    for i in omega_leaders:
        leader_group = [[x,wolves_group_cg[x]] for x in wolves_group_cg if wolves_group_cg[x]['id'] in i['leader_group']]
        i['x'] = (leader_group[0][1]['x']+leader_group[1][1]['x']+leader_group[2][1]['x'])/3 
        i['y'] = (leader_group[0][1]['y']+leader_group[1][1]['y']+leader_group[2][1]['y'])/3 
        del i['leader_group']
    return omega_leaders

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 进入主函数阶段
    # 起始生成种群数33匹狼
    # a等级:1
    # b等级:3
    # c等级:9
    # d等级:21
    import time
    a = time.time()
    fit_list = []
    initial_wolves = initial_group(33)
    wolves_sort = sort_wolves(initial_wolves)
    wolves_group_cg = iteration(wolves_sort,1,100,wolves_sort[0])
    for x in wolves_group_cg:
    # 查看第一代狼群中的最优值
    print('round ',str(1),max(fit_list))

    # 设置一个狼群记忆库,记录迭代拿到的最大值
    wolves_memory = [max(fit_list)]

    # 进行迭代
    count = 0
    # 设置记数器
    for i in range(100):
    # 迭代100次
        wolves_sort = sort_wolves(wolves_group_cg)
        wolves_group_cg = iteration(wolves_group_cg,i+2,100,wolves_group_cg[0])
        fit_list = []
        for x in wolves_group_cg:
        # 如果生成了比记忆库还好的值,植入记忆库中
        if max(fit_list) > max(wolves_memory):
            print('wolves get better')
        # 如果生成了比记忆库最小值还坏的值,记数器加1
        elif max(fit_list) <= min(wolves_memory):
            count = count + 1
            print('wolves get bad')
        print('round ',str(i + 2),max(fit_list))
        print('wolves memory ',max(wolves_memory))
        # 如果记数器达到20,停止
        if count == 20:
            b = time.time()
            print('Touch The top')
round  1 1.7867094985136402
wolves get better
round  2 1.88412723934572
wolves memory  1.88412723934572
wolves get bad
round  3 1.7209958013554358
wolves memory  1.88412723934572
wolves get bad
round  4 1.690852124797344
wolves memory  1.88412723934572
wolves get bad
round  5 1.5915389773852602
wolves memory  1.88412723934572
wolves get bad
round  6 1.085831282210004
wolves memory  1.88412723934572
wolves get bad
round  7 1.2958203101169712
wolves memory  1.88412723934572
wolves get better
round  8 1.9451995063321545
wolves memory  1.9451995063321545
wolves get bad
round  9 1.7659827231658738
wolves memory  1.9451995063321545
wolves get bad
round  10 1.6735075166421174
wolves memory  1.9451995063321545
wolves get bad
round  11 1.085831282210004
wolves memory  1.9451995063321545
wolves get bad
round  12 1.2882804684159321
wolves memory  1.9451995063321545
wolves get bad
round  13 1.3365358275832184
wolves memory  1.9451995063321545
wolves get bad
round  14 1.7148546855825482
wolves memory  1.9451995063321545
wolves get bad
round  15 1.6493457575609682
wolves memory  1.9451995063321545
wolves get bad
round  16 1.6495890340795554
wolves memory  1.9451995063321545
wolves get bad
round  17 1.5746177374545502
wolves memory  1.9451995063321545
round  18 1.90873868646127
wolves memory  1.9451995063321545
wolves get bad
round  19 1.5595696014192248
wolves memory  1.9451995063321545
wolves get bad
round  20 1.669455744321212
wolves memory  1.9451995063321545
wolves get better
round  21 1.998311251689651
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
wolves get bad
round  22 1.724201338492482
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  23 1.994730665848572
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
wolves get bad
round  24 1.2921623982236445
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  25 1.9276920925952434
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  26 1.9388407753727679
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
wolves get bad
round  27 1.455602314998224
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  28 1.9754371016267238
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  29 1.981699645380968
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  30 1.9947710900851012
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  31 1.996871277566931
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  32 1.9904021425055562
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  33 1.9841458250922928
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  34 1.9798460151563981
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  35 1.9617377164271952
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  36 1.976503078025663
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  37 1.9677819094389473
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  38 1.942933712239012
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  39 1.9693344001603683
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  40 1.9523287238135731
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
round  41 1.980265330731481
wolves memory  1.998311251689651
wolves get better
round  42 1.9989088559712567
wolves memory  1.9989088559712567
round  43 1.9974455082492018
wolves memory  1.9989088559712567
round  44 1.9932304547448385
wolves memory  1.9989088559712567
wolves get bad
round  45 1.6697485606968883
wolves memory  1.9989088559712567
Touch The Top
Cost: 0.5387866497039795

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